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“After This” A transition into a time of Growth, Peace, Multiplication, Healing & Comfort.

Simon Peter, Also Known As Cephas (John 1:42v), Was One Of The First Followers Of Jesus Christ. He Was An Outspoken And Ardent Disciple, One Of Jesus’ Closest Friends, An Apostle, And A “Pillar” Of The Church (Galatians 2:9). Peter Was Enthusiastic, Strong-Willed, Impulsive, And, At Times, Brash. But For All His Strengths, Peter Had Several Failings In His Life. Still, The Lord Who Chose Him Continued To Mold Him Into Exactly Who He Intended Peter To Be.

WOULDN’T IT BE Great If There Was A Breakthrough or Vaccine For Trouble? How Wonderful Would It Be If There Was A Shot Or Pill We Could Take That Would Cause Us To Become Immune To Attack, Problems, Heartbreaking Seasons? That’s Just Not The Case. One Thing I’ve Learned In Life Is The Reality Of This Is No One Gets A Pass From It, And For Sure We All Have To Contend With The Challenges of Life. No One Is Immune, And Absolutely No One Is Insulated, Not Even Christ Followers.We All Have Had Times In Our Lives When Situations, Issues, Incidents, And Accidents Hit Us With Such Intensity That We Wondered How We Would Survive.

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