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Battle Tested. Faith Approved!

King Jehoshaphat Was The Fourth King Of Judah Under The Divided Monarchy, The Son Of Asa. We Are First Introduced To Him In 1 Kings 15:24v But Are Told Nothing More Than That He Succeeded Asa. Later, 1 Kings 22:42v Tells Us That He Was 35 Years Old When He Began His Reign And That He Reigned 25 Years (From 873 To 848 BC).

Jehoshaphat Was The Son Of King Asa, And His Mother Was Azubah. Jehoshaphat Came Into Power After The Death Of His Father. He Was The Fourth King Of Judah. Jehoshaphat Is Most Remembered For His Reforms And His Outstanding Victory In A Battle Over The Edomites, The Moabites And The Ammonites In The Wilderness Of Tekoa. We Are Introduced To Jehoshaphat’s Story In 1 Kings 22:41-50, But The Details Of His Life Are Found In 2 Chronicles 17-21.

In This Message, I Want To Declare A Couple of Things That The Scripture Text Will Unfold.

No Matter What Or Who You Are Currently Facing, Know That In And Through God, If God Has Not Told You Swing/Or Invest One Calories Into A Life Battle Event, Keep Your Hands In Your Pocket

The Key To Not Fighting A Battle That Is Not Yours, Is Knowing That The Battle Is Not Yours When The Battle Presents Itself – Now, If You Don’t Know That It’s Not Your, You Follow The Plan And Actions Of Jehoshaphat.

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