LWC3 Men’s Ministry
March 22 @ 10:00 am - 11:15 am

(Every fourth Saturday of every month)
Men are an important component of God’s family infrastructure. As such, men should be properly equiped to meet the demands of this awesome role and responsibility to impact the Kingdom of God and strengthen their walk with Christ. Our desire is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ, the fortitude to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.
You’re going to love the relevant stories and incredibly practical answers to the 10 issues men say matter most:
- IDENTITY: Who am I and what is my life all about?
- LIFE BALANCE: How can I lead a more balanced life?
- GROWTH: How can I have a deeper walk with God?
- MARRIAGE: What makes a great husband?
- CHILDREN: How can I become a dad who makes a difference?
- FRIENDSHIPS: How do I find and keep godly friends?
- WORK: How should I think about my work?
- LUST: What’s the right way to deal with lust?
- CULTURE: What is my role in our culture?
- SHARING MY FAITH: How can I have authentic spiritual conversations?
No one understands what you’re going through more than men’s expert Patrick Morley, author of the landmark bestseller The Man in the Mirror, with over 4 million copies. And now, Morley has carefully researched and written The Christian Man especially for men like you. By the end of this must-read book, you will know how to intentionally release the power of God on the issues that matter most to you.You’ll be able to walk with confidence in the one identity that matters most: The Christian Man.
If a church is a house then we are the garage. A place where men can be men. Where guy talk becomes God talk. Where they can say what they need to say without being judged. Where they can be what God created them to be, finding the fullness of their potential in Christ.
John Butler
Sr. Pastor, Living Water Christian Center Church
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