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Statement of Faith: This typically outlines the church’s core beliefs, including doctrines such as the Trinity, salvation, the authority of Scripture, etc.

Baptism: Explaining the significance of baptism, the mode of baptism (e.g., immersion, sprinkling), and who should be baptized (e.g., believers, infants).

Communion (or the Lord’s Supper): Describing the meaning and practice of communion, including who may participate and how often it’s observed.

Salvation: Clarifying the church’s stance on salvation, emphasizing the role of grace, faith, and repentance in the process.

The Church: Discussing the nature and purpose of the church, its role in the community, and membership requirements.

Scripture: Addressing questions about the Bible, such as its inspiration, authority, and interpretation.

The Trinity: Explaining the church’s belief in the triune nature of God as Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.

Eschatology: Providing information on the church’s views regarding the end times, including topics such as the second coming of Christ, heaven, hell, and the final judgment.

Spiritual Gifts: Discussing the church’s beliefs about spiritual gifts and their role in the life of believers.

Doctrine of Creation: Explaining the church’s understanding of creation, including views on creationism, evolution, and the origin of humanity.

  • Publicly profess your faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Attend our services regularly to get familiar with our church.
  • Participate in our New Member Orientation sessions.
  • Complete membership classes to understand our beliefs and values.
  • Meet with our pastoral leadership to discuss your faith journey.
  • Engage in church life by attending services, joining groups, and serving others.

Yes, we do conduct worship services online! At Living Water Christian Center Church, we offer the opportunity for individuals to join our worship services virtually through our FacebookYouTube livestream. Our online worship services provide a way for people to participate in corporate worship, hear the Word of God, and engage in prayer alongside our in-person congregation. We believe in making worship accessible to everyone, whether they are able to attend in person or prefer to join us online from anywhere in the world. If you’re unable to attend our services in person, we invite you to join us online and be part of our worshiping community.